Inspiration Bomb
Inspiration Bomb – Morry Schwartz + M.I.S.O.
Morry is a publisher, an ideas man, a property mogul who’s “special gift” for business allows him to build dreams the size of Black Inc publishing, The Quarterly Essay, The Monthly, and most recently, The Saturday Paper.Today's Lil' Pick Me Up
So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom, and if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.
~ Neil Gaiman ~Upcoming Stuff to Love
Straight from the horses mouth
‘I was so thrilled to be chosen as one of the scholarship winners for the Big Hearted Business Conference. Not only was the weekend filled with oh-em-gee moments listening to the talented speakers, but I also had the opportunity to meet many other inspiring ‘sensitive creative types’ on their journey to doing what they love. Being the first ‘Inspiration Bomb’ artist was an honour. Collaborating with Clare on these interviews and showcasing my chalk lettering on video opened my eyes up to new possibilities, both creatively and professionally. I’m so grateful to the BHB crew for helping me launch my new business with a bomb!’ – Carla Hackett, Foxglove Lettering (BHB Scholarship Winner and the first ‘Inspiration Bomb’ artist)