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Inspiration Bomb – Morry Schwartz + M.I.S.O.

“How did I find my audience?
It wasn’t very hard at all, all I had to do was find myself.”

Morry Schwartz

It’s true, I have no tattoo.

If I did, however, my wish is that it be designed by today’s Inspiration Bomb Artist M.I.S.O.  (which, considering her five-year waiting list, would still give me plenty of time to change my mind on “the actual inking” part…)

The Muse, the man behind her contribution on this here Inspiration Bomb (#34) is the inimitable, the infamous, the irrepressible Morry Schwartz, who you’re about the have the pleasure of meeting.

Morry is a publisher, an ideas man,  a property mogul who’s “special gift” for business allows him to build dreams the size of Black Inc publishing, The Quarterly Essay, The Monthly, and most recently, The Saturday Paper. Impressed much? Me too.

It is the unbelievable geography of his life-story that inspires M.I.S.O.’s work today. Those looking closely will notice a map. Those listening closely will marvel, as I do, that we even had the fortune to meet Morry in the first place.

In this Bomb, Morry shares with us his story of migration from Hungary to Australia, where he found himself to be a rebellious young man. He walks us through his passions from film to publishing to property-development, reflecting on the nature of running a business and the role business can play in connecting people to the Arts.

We hear how Morry has dedicated his work to serious and intelligent journalism, and his thoughts on the responsibility of journalists and the media to hold justice to account. Morry tells us his views on what makes a great artist and suggests that now is the best time to start on big crazy ideas.

A small aside: the Melbourne studio we filmed this in was once occupied by artist Vali Meyers, and is located just around the corner from Morry’s wife’s gallery – the Anna Schwartz Gallery. Well worth a peek if you’re ever visiting Melbourne.

Anyway, as usual, we’re busting to hear your thoughts.  What do you think about the role that artists can play when it comes to connecting “business-people” to the Arts? What potential benefit does art offer to business owners and their staff? Is this important, and if so, why? Do you think business has an obligation to support the Arts, or not at all?

We’d very much love to hear your comments below. 

Some interesting discussions here to come, we’re certain!


C.B. and the B.H.B. Crew xo

Today’s Credits

Inspiration Bomb #34 with Morry Schwartz and M.I.S.O.
Interview and Production by Clare Bowditch
Audio editing by Anthony Ackerman
Chalk Lettering by Carla Hacket

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Morry Schwartz

Morry Schwartz is an Australian publisher, thinker and property-mogul based in Melbourne, Australia. He is the founder of Black Inc., and the publisher of the influential Quarterly Essay, The Monthly and the The Saturday Paper.


M.I.S.O is a Ukranian born, Melbourne based artist who has been exhibiting extensively through out Australia and internationally since 2008. She is collected by The National Gallery of Australia, State Library of Victoria, University of Queensland Art Museum and the National Gallery Of Victoria. She has created work for both Gorman and Chanel. Her diverse work includes paper art, illustration, street art, tattooing & installations.

  • Annie Rawle

    I have to disagree with his belief that there is no such thing as an undiscovered genius. Being a genius and being ‘discovered’ are not always related. Being discovered is often just good luck.
    Eg – Fred Astaire’s fame wasn’t immediate, or The Beatles. Van Gogh was only acknowledged after he died…
    Pure genius is rare, but I’m sure there are plenty out there who’ve not ‘made it’

    • Annie Rawle

      That can be true of course, but being a creative genius, doesn’t necessarily make you a marketing success. A lot of talented people I know just keep on creating and real success is always on the horizon, but never getting quite close enough.
      My definition of success here I define as a degree of peer recognition and some income – enough income to pay for itself.
      I will also point out that those who do get recognised are not necessarily the best. The most successful painters I know, have partners who do the promoting.
      If you are right and it is about ‘discovering yourself’, I think that discovery needs direction. You need to have a plan of what you’d like to do with that talent. That would increase your chances of being discovered for sure. These days with the internet growing every day, promoting yourself is getting easier and easier – if you have the time and inclination!!

    • Monique diMattina

      As in the (now) universally acclaimed Elizabeth Jolley. Started writing in her 20’s and after 30 years of rejections – including 39 knock backs in one year – was finally published age 53. Was she an ‘undiscovered genius’ all those years, or does the self-belief (or discovery) implicit in her perseverance satisfy Morry’s definition I wonder.
      What’s so important about being a genius anyhoo?
      Loved Morry’s bomb BHB – thank you! So much mind food! MdM xx

  • Paul Phillips

    We own a bookstore – which already has its own connection as a form of art – but every month or so, we feature a local artist and provide them space as a “pop-up gallery.”

    What we are finding is that both forms of art complement each other extremely well and provide a platform for the artist and ourselves to make contact with different sections of the community in which we all live. And I think that is hugely important for both parties.

    Paul Phillips
    A Reader’s Heaven

  • Hi all at BHB, alas I can’t watch the bombs here in Indonesia, but Yay it will be a big treat when I go back to Oz!

    • Hi, thanks for your reply, unfortunetly the Indonesian government have decided to ban Vimeo, so maybe that’s what you use? I will look forward to having lots of great bomb viewing when I am back in Australia, kindest regards

      • Defah Dattner

        Hey Sally, I had the same problem, it was soooo sad. I was just trying to edit one of our Bombs to get it out into the world and couldn’t believe it. What’s so bad about Vimeo…..agh….different cultures I do understand. xx

  • Marian

    Wow, very inspiring and YES we need his newspaper ! Thanks Morry for this message and reminder to stay true to ourselves. M.I.S.O. loved your art Thanks 🙂

  • Clare Bowditch

    Loving your comments!

  • Loving your comments!

  • Alexandra McCallum

    A great interview! Thanks so much. Remembering to share who I am and what I do with other likeminded people.

    • Defah Dattner

      Hey Alexandra – have you seen the Gotye Bomb too? What do you think? – thanks so much for being online and being a part of the community. We very much appreciate your comments. xx