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Want free master-classes from big-hearted heroes?

Inspiration Bomb – Imogen Banks

When it comes to TV, there’s a lotta crap out there… So it’s a rare treat when something comes along that’s good and worth watching and that actually knocks your socks off. Thinking about the past decade or so of quality Aussie TV shows (you know the ones I mean: Offspring, Tangle, Puberty Blues, Paper Giants), there’s one name that’s a staple in the credits: I’m talking the genius production* skills of one uber-talented Imogen Banks.


(Me with Ms Imogen Banks at the Offspring Season Five After-party. Sisters, or what??)

And whaddya know? She just happens to be the subject of today’s Inspiration Bomb Master Class. One of Australia’s most celebrated, accomplished and adored television producers and all round brilliant women. The sort of lady you’d want to sit down with for a cuppa and a chinwag. So that’s exactly what we’re doing today.

Imogen is name-dropped as a mentor by many of Australia’s most elite actors, and her working partnership with John Edwards is the stuff legends are made of. The most delightful part of this all is that for a long long time, she didn’t have any idea what she actually wanted to do with her life. She just followed her nose, and went with what made sense to her.

Today’s – might I say – brilliant Master Class from Imo covers:

  • how to produce incredible stories
  • how to pitch an idea that takes
  • the advantages of putting together an excellent team, and how that works for her
  • what TV networks are actually looking for
  • what you need (and what you have to give up) in order to do this job well
  • how she got to do EVERYTHING she wanted in life, without a single dash of goal setting
  • how to manage the personal trials and tribulations of being this good at your job
  • AND… the most important life and work advice she’s ever been given, as a producer and a human being

The accompanying short film has been made by yours truly. I call it “An Homage to Fitzroy, in Red and Orange”, in honour of both the suburb in which Offspring is set, and the colour of Imogen’s incredible mane (which, unlike my own, is UTTERLY natural). Please be warned, this flick is not so much “high-brow” as “Clare-the-amateur-learning-to-use-her-handy-cam-because-the-artist-called-in-sick-brow”. I’m an amateur, but Imo’s a pro, and her words make up for any lack on my behalf! I hope you like it.

Now. Could you let us know which of Imogen’s quotes, musings, outlooks, pearls of wisdom struck the biggest chord with you? Pop your thoughts in the comments.

AND! Did it arrive just when you needed it most? Let us know your thoughts!

AND! Did you notice our site has changed? From here on in, it’s www.bigheartedbusiness.com all the way!

Looking forward to hearing from you on the talented and lovely Imogen Banks (or anything else that might be on your mind)!

CB and the BHB crew xoxo

*Please note correction: Imo was previously credited as a writer and the producer of show Love My Way, both of which were incorrect (Love My Way was in-fact produced by her compadre John Edwards before they were working together. Apologies for this!).

Today’s Credits:

Inspiration Bomb with T.V. Producer Imogen Banks.
Interview and Production by Clare Bowditch
Audio editing by Anthony Ackerman
Chalk Lettering by Carla Hackett

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Imogen Banks

Imogen Banks is an award winning Australian TV producer of shows such as Offsrping, Tangle, Puberty Blues, and Paper Giants.

(image courtesy of Screen Producers Association)

Clare Bowditch

Clare is a musician, and the founder of Big Hearted Business, who occasionally steps in when real Inspiration Bomb Artists call in sick. The mini-movie accompanying this Inspiration Bomb is called “Homage to Fitzroy in Red and Orange”, in honour of the colour of Imogen Bank’s hair and the suburb in which Offspring is filmed.

  • Marti Gemmola

    Ha! ‘Don’t be annoying’. Nailed it Imogen. Most importantly, ‘find your people’ – that is absolutely it.

  • There were so many things I got out of this – and yes, at just the right time. I am currently produced my first online show and struggling to work out what my role is and what I need to let go of. I loved that advice: don’t be annoying. It’s perfect and sums up so much!

    I also love the idea of simply finding your people. I am young and following an untraditional path, which means the ‘ready-made’ friends of uni and school aren’t there. It’s hard to find your people, but it’s so worth it when you bump into them one day. Thank you BHB and Imogen!


  • Lara Stephenson

    That was filmed right in my neighbourhood! I related to how she ‘fell into it’ in relation to a career, although I think it is like a series of lovely coincidences and things leading to other things! 😀

  • I love love love the very last bit of advice to find at least one person who is willing to tell you the truth. Crucial. Brillant. Oh-so-good.

  • Kelly Morgan

    Perfect timing – and great advice. Find your people – those three words gave perfect context to some recent experiences, they just weren’t my people. Thanks for sharing your path and advice Imogen.

  • kim miles

    Enjoyed the film……get carried away by the image and drift from the speaker!Play stimulates creativity……like Clare reflection filming in stove and slo/mo ping pong……..
    First time i have heard someone mention making TV cheaper(why not?!) and the possibilities of the web series/online (yet to see breakout work).
    We often ponder the lack of ‘success’ of Australian films but in keeping with the golden age of television(Sopranos/Breaking Bad etc)I am excited about our TV screen potential.
    I have been interested in John Edwards and co work on the subscription channels.
    I am sure ,in this area we can aspire to risk taking/imaginative/crazy brave/cinematic adventures.

  • Tanya Murray-Russell

    Serendipity, really, because I was just thinking about my current job and had come to the realisation that it wasn’t the job, it was the people (or person) that I can’t connect with. Then I hear the wonderful
    words of Imogen “find your people…people you understand” Brilliant advice that I wish I had a long time ago!!!

  • Sarah Jovanovski

    The part where Imogen talks about time and consequence…not projecting ideas of the future and thus feeling as though she hasn’t missed out on anything because she hasn’t had any expectations. That’s enlightened and made me feel, alrrright! I’m not the only one. I’m really grateful for this interview xx

  • Lynda @HomeleaLass

    I love Imogen’s wish for everyone to have someone that tells them the truth. This really struck a chord with me.
