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Inspiration Bomb – Leesa Ellem


I’m talking Austrayian today because I have just returned from my first ever holiday in Bali*. My sarong and Bintang singlet are in the wash and it’s back to work I go!

Yesterday for example, I spoke at the “Melbourne Women in Business Lunch”. Today I’m running both a “Creative-business workshop” and a “Right-brain singing workshop” for Bright Sparks Festival in Albury. Sunday, I’m giving a keynote at the Creative Women’s Circle (sold out)!

Lucky I love my (second) job!

My main job, however, is that of a touring musician, which involves a heck of a lot of travelling and surprisingly little sight-seeing. The road is a harsh mistress, so it’s lucky I travel with a secret weapon in the car: infamous International Tour Manager Leesa Ellem, who’s the subject of today’s “BHB Inspiration Bomb”.

When she’s not busy ironing my Bintang singlet, Leesa takes care of other musicians, like Feist and Martha Wainwright and You Am I. She cooks for her friends, trains dogs, kisses her Scottish boyfriend Alex (who would just LOVE me mentioning that), and is also a “very good driver” with incredible tattoos all over her body (decades ahead of the curve there). Leesa is not at all the kind of woman you would want to double-cross on the merch stand!

In today’s IB, Leesa offers her signature “straight up, no bollocks” insight into what it actually takes to build a career touring the world with bloody demanding rock-stars. Think it’s as glamorous as it sounds? Click below to find out!

And guess what else? Our artwork today is from the world’s BEST EVER florist-house,  Cecilia Fox in Brunswick ! I KNOW!

AND GUESS WHAT ELSE? Today’s “Random Giveaway” goes to one person who comments below the IB or shares this interview on Facebook. The lucky winner will receive a copy of Beci Orpin’s brand-new forthcoming book “Home”! I DOUBLE KNOW!

Here’s cheers to the incredible Ms Leesa Ellem, Cecilia Fox and “Home”.

CB and the BHB Crew xo

*My sincere thanks Bali for hosting me as only you can. Wow! We had an exceptional month, due in no short part to the hospitality of the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. You gotta check it out!

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  • natharker

    Ahh stories from the road I love it

  • Carly Burgess

    Beautiful flowers!

  • Jodie

    Such a demanding and rewarding job! I’m in the middle of recovering from a bit of a burn-out, so I can totally relate. There is an immense satisfaction from being a “can do” person, making great things happen.

  • Elle Groch

    I was in a hurry, but ended up watching the whole video. Cecilia Fox – I am a big fan! On my habitual walk along the Merri Creek I always go out of my way to walk past your store and I just adore the changing window displays. Leesa’s talk was very insightful – working at Stage Door in a performance venue, I see tour managers run off their feet regularly. I hope you get a break between tours Leesa!

  • Vanessa Dwyer

    Today I had the bestest day ever! Thank you Clare for coming up to Albury, i got so much out of today and I am actually looking forward to writing my 5 yr plan! And I don’t believe you weren’t joking about the Bali creative retreat – I’m in! (and apparently I’m writing in exclamation marks too…)
    Thank you for doing what you do and finding these creative people to share their stories and inspire the rest of us.

  • mscate

    I can so relate, just returned from a holiday for a few weeks overseas. I too have two careers, running a charity with my partner and working for another. It really means a totally divided self with competing demands and priorities and people who always think that their project/event/demand is the most important thing ever! We keep lots of lists and calendar and work in chunks on different things on different days. What really helps is taking time out with my partner and friends to cook, have meals together, go dancing/movies/cafe, just do things that celebrate who we are and our interests, not what we do. Went dancing last night, such fun!

  • Renee

    After a particularly challenging day, the sight of these gorgeous flowers filled my heart with joy and yet another informative Inspiration bomb, thanks!

  • Anna pontikis

    Loved hearing Leesa’s story, a colourful and interesting life. What gorgeous flower arrangements made by the florist in the background. Really love this concept Clare of your Inspiration bombs, kind of like an artists date at home! Can’t wait to see you speak this morning at the Creative Womens Circle!

  • Rosby Wines

    Just catching up on my BHB videos. I loved listening to Leesa stories from the road. Was once in that industry and I miss it terribly. But i wouldn’t give up what i have today. Oh the stories. The more things change, the more they stay the same …

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