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Inspiration Bomb – Ben Ball & Nicholas Jones

“Writing has got to come from somewhere true and honest”

Today’s Inspiration Bomb is for anyone who’s ever suspected they might just have a book in them*.

Ben Ball is the Publishing Director of Penguin, and has been for some time; if you don’t know him already, it’s probably about time you did so.

In today’s rather wonderful Inspiration Bomb, Ben argues a rather convincing case for the success of writers who avoid writing school and instead take up day jobs.

Also included: why you don’t need an agent to get a book-deal, and how to get a man like him to actually read your manuscript.

Ben peppers this whole affair with a delightful spread of highly entertaining stories that will lift up your day immeasurably (but let’s be honest; he could be talking about dirt and we’d still love it. Just wait ‘till you hear his voice!)

Today’s B.H.B. Artist is the infamous and fabulous Nicholas Jones, a highly regarded Melbourne-based artist who sculpts books in a way that is no-body’s business. Born in the U.K. (with little trace of accent!), Nicholas’ work now resides in collections the world over. Curiously, his website says he uses books and paper to question the future of the written word”. Perfect! You can find out more about him and his exceptional work and even his avant-garde moustache and all the great things he has to offer the world over on his website by clicking here.  

This is a superb one chaps – enjoy!

C.B. and the B.H.B. Crew xo

* Geez, that must be uncomfortable. Best visit your Dr immediately!


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Ben Ball

This is Ben Ball, if he was being played in a movie by Hugh Grant. They’re kind’ve the same person, only not.

Ben Ball is the Publishing Director of Penguin, Australia. He was born in Melbourne in 1970, grew up in London, New York and Sydney, and moved back to Australia some years ago and now has a wonderful international accent and great floppy hair and a family and lots of things we’d all like to have. He really deserves his own website, but instead, here’s the one where he works (which, quietly, is rather impressive)

Nicholas Jones

Today’s B.H.B. Artist is the infamous and fabulous Nicholas Jones, a highly regarded Melbourne-based artist who sculpts books in a way that is no-body’s business. Born in the U.K. in 1974, Nicholas’ work now resides in colections the world over. His website says uses books and paper to question the future of the written word”. You can find out more about him and his work over there www.bibliopath.org