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Inspiration Bomb – Todd & Coco Sampson

Hello Possums!

It’s been a while in-between Bombs, but I’ve been busy practicing my cape-flicks (see below), and also recording album number eight, which tends to take a while. How about you?


(* This photo was taken Georges Antoni and is not a true representation of how I look upon awaking of a morn.)

Happily, today’s Inspiration Bomb is ABSOLUTELY worth the wait.

It stars Australia’s “Golden-boy of Advertising” – Todd Sampson, and also proudly introduces his eldest daughter, budding artist and poet Coco Sampson (along with the entire “Sampson Family Support Team” as you’ll soon see).

Coco is a passionate, award-winning artist hailing from Sydney, who just happens to be eight years old. She hopes to live until she’s 100, like her great grandmother, or else become a vampire, because they live forever.

As for Todd, you might know him from the way he nearly died a few times in the recent second series of his ABC show “Redesign my Brain“? (Yep. That was pretty intense).

For those of you who don’t know Todd, his influence is broad and well-yielded, which explains why he’s invited to join big boards (Qantas), star in big TV shows (Gruen Transfer) and head big-time businesses (like advertising firm Leo Burnett). It also explains how Todd and Cate Blanchett and a whole bunch of B.T.S. winners have been able to pull off Earth Hour so brilliantly.

I filmed this Bomb in Sydney on a Friday night just before knock-off at Todd’s office (which happens to overlook the Harbour Bridge. Nice work, Todd), and because Todd doesn’t mince words, we managed to cover:

  • Todd’s take on why “Work/life balance” is so incredibly over-rated.
  • What is creativity?
  • A dead-honest definition of marketing, and his opinion on why so many of us “struggle” with it, and how to overcome that struggle.
  • How to let people know you climbed Mount Everest without being bagged (rules apply in Australia only, and only for those who, like Todd, have climbed Everest).
  • The key-characteristics shared by artists, technologists, and problem-solvers.
  • How to stop putting walls around yourself and GET ON WITH IT.
  • And… how do avoid ageing (TRUE!).

GOLD, I tells ya!

All up, this Bomb is an intimate family portrait so full of talent and genius and beauty that if you try and work it out with your brain alone, you might plain pop.

That’s why we have hearts, I guess.

Whaddya think? I look forward to reading your wise-words in the comments box (yes, the comments box, made especially for… you! Yes I read them! Yes, I LIVE FOR THEM! I READ THEM! I EVER WRITE BACK!)


C.B. and the B.H.B. Crew xo

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Todd Sampson

You might know Todd Sampson as the man who nearly died a few times in the second series of his recent ABC Show “Redesign my Brain”. He’s also the CEO of advertising-firm “Leo Burnett” and one of the stars on TV show “The Gruen Transfer”. More about him via www.toddsampson.com.au

Coco Sampson

Coco Sampson is a passionate, award-winning visual artist and budding-poet from Sydney, who happens to be eight years old. She hopes to live until she’s 100, like her great grandmother. She currently lives in Sydney with her father Todd, mother Neomie and fabulous sister Jet, and has a soft spot for jiujitsu.

  • samantha pereira

    I totally suck at taking criticism. And my husband sucks at giving it! I really need to work on that… Loved hearing Todd speak about creativity and marketing, and those girls are gorgeous!

  • jemma donovan

    Here’s my question. You do the absolute best you can. Practice heaps and make good music and so on, and then you support other artists by going to their gigs, sharing posts, buying the odd cd etc etc.but then nothing. This tall poppy syndrome thing is killing me. It’s like you can be good but not too good that you’re a threat. I am aware how this sounds but I’m really struggling with this one.

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  • bec_fx

    yep , the tall poppy syndrome also keeps me “in my place”. Its so great to hear todd sampson talk about this so clearly; I do and always have felt so uncomfortable about promoting myself and my creative work, what a relief to realise its cultural and can be weeded out. As i mature i don’t really have time to nurture this ineffective social conditioning, eventually i have to say check out my work, it speaks for itself and, ofcourse, people overseas really like it!! Instagram bec_fx

  • bec_fx

    yeh i wanted say, jemma, im really inspired to do a piece about this now, audio/visual, maybe even theme an exhibition about it with a good group of people, throw some light n do some research as to y we have this in our culture……who’s interested??