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Want free master-classes from big-hearted heroes?

Inspiration Bomb – Claudia Karvan

In B.H.B. lauguage, the word “high-profile” means “worthy of great respect”.

Today’s first ever “International Women’s Day” (inspired) Inspiration Bomb brings together two such “high-profile” creative heroes:  Master actor/director Claudia Karvan, and renowned visual-artist M-I-S-O.

This interview was recorded one sunny Monday in Claudia’s Sydney office.

It was filmed a second sunny Monday morning in M-I-S-O’s studio in Melbourne (squeezed in-between her trips to Japan and Kiev).

In simple terms, this Inspiration Bombe is a triumph of grace, grit, fierce talent, beauty, searing honestly, and humour.

The artists involved are generous and rare. This is our International Women’s Day gift to you.

We hope you’ll share it with every woman of man you’ve ever loved. Hopefully it will do them good, as it has me.

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  • Belinda

    Gah! Two artists I truly admire in the one clip! Claudia is so refreshingly honest and open, what a gorgeous lady and talent. I really love what she said about community and contributing. We all are better together, I’ve been guilty of forgetting that at times.

    A while back I wrote a blog post on the International Day of the Girl, it’s one I’m pretty proud of. Maybe you’d like to read it: http://www.elsieandjoan.com/2013/10/international-day-of-girl.html

    Thank you BHB, Happy International Women’s Day, everyone! Belinda x

  • lefty on the chalkboard! not easy!! loved this double feature

  • Love love love Claudia. Such a thoughtful, intelligent, loving mind. Thank you, BHB xx

  • David Norton

    love seeing Australians on the set, love Claudia

  • Kiri Bear

    I love the way Claudia talks about generousity, of spirit and of attention (listening). I think these are wise skills to cultivate in any profession. That’s a change I’d like to see in the world. We are all connected so more for you means more for me, that’s the beginning of generousity.

  • Elle

    Totally beautiful! I have always loved the work that Claudia does and I love her all the more now!

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